Remembering Celina, A Wonderful Friend


Hope you are staying dry tonight.

Today, I want to remember a very special lady, Celina.  She became my first stamping customer in 2009 and has been stamping with me ever since.  She was very happy that we both lived in the same neighborhood.  She started out as a customer but very quickly became a wonderful friend.  She has seen our boys grow up , celebrate the coming arrival of our first granddaughter, Lucy and so much more.  We definitely love walking the neighborhood and when we turned the corner would look to see if she was outside.  If so, we were able to catch up.  She enjoyed stamping so much, that she brought her mom to stamp camp.  When they were at stamp camp, it was like having family.  The best compliment I have ever gotten is when her mom, called me, The Stamp Lady.

Here are both of them at the Burlap stamp camp in March of 2014.  You can tell by their concentration and the final projects that they both enjoyed our visits.

Celina, you are definitely missed and fly high, my friend.  I am so happy that you are no longer in pain.  We will keep your family and friends in our thoughts and friends. 

I will remember you whenever I am stamping.  

Thank you for stopping by today and reading my blog.

Have a fabulous day.

Happy Stamping!!

